The beginning of the year is always a great time to set goals for the year, make a life change, or continue pursuing the goals you already have. However if you are not careful when you set up your goals, you could be setting yourself up for failure instead of success. When you make your goals, you want this to help you achieve your goal. Setting your goals should be something you put a fair amount of thought and effort into. Here’s a process of how to create useful, attainable goals throughout 2019.

Creating the Bigger Picture

This first step gives you the opportunity to set your intention with your goals. What is your overall goal? What do you want to accomplish? Who do you want to become? By knowing what your main intention is, you can best figure out how to achieve this goal. Whatever the goal is, realizing what it is, is the first step to accomplishing it. Be broad, and think long term. This step is not about specifics, but instead about a lifestyle you want to achieve.

Get Specific

Now that you have figured out what your main objective is, it’s time to get a little more specific. Now is the time to figure out how to achieve this goal, and what you need to do to get there. Figure out the smaller, more specific goals that will help you achieve your bigger goal. Decide where you want to be in 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months, and how to get there. If your goal is to lose 50 pounds, this is where you break down how much you want to lose by when, and the ways you’re going to lose your weight. This could include how many minutes you will work out, or how many calories you will eat. This is the nitty gritty of goal making.

Keep it SMART

When figuring out your specific goals, use the acronym SMART.

 S: Specific, M: Measurable, A: Attainable, R: Relevant , T: Trackable.

Your goals need to be specific, such as losing 20 pounds instead of vague like losing weight. They also need to be measurable, in that you need to be able to see your progress. Instead of eat healthy, you can make the goal of how many macros you want to eat every day, how many calories, or types of food. Figure out how to eat healthy. Your goals need to be attainable. Be honest with yourself, what you can accomplish, to make goals that you can reach that will then help you create new goals. They also need to be relevant. This goes back to your bigger picture. If your smaller, specific goals do not help you attain the bigger picture, then it isn’t a useful goal. Don’t waste your time and effort on goals that aren’t helping you become the person you want to be, or achieving the long-term goal you want. Lastly, trackable. Your goals should be ones that you can see your progress, and track it. This helps keep you motivated and rewarded for your work. Keep your goals SMART!

When you’re a child you hear the cliché, “you can do anything you put your mind to”, but it really is true. What we don’t tell children is it requires hard work, planning, and tenacity. You can accomplish any and all of your goals this year, and these tips on how to set your goals can be the first step in creating a better you!

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